June 14, 2007

Opened Higher but stagnant

Opening level is very high because of Us market's rebound, but there is no momentum to move up nor down.The downward movement to close the window is resisted by Yen's depreciation. Yen's down is progressing very slowly through a day and Nikkei average index ended with stagnation.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 17834.78 H. 17875.02 L.. 17815.3 C. 17842.29 CHG. 109.52
TOPIX O. 1757.47 H. 1762.15 L.. 1752.98 C. 1756.64 CHG. 10.72 VOL. 185461
JASDAQ O. 79.74 H. 81.23 L.. 79.69 C. 81.09 CHG. 1.53 VOL. 26756

Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 17850 H. 17900 L.. 17840 C. 17900 CHG. 170 VOL. 64567
TOPIX Futures O. 1756 H. 1764 L.. 1754 C. 1759.5 CHG. 14.5 VOL. 33771

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