June 28, 2007

End up

After U.S. market rise, Tokyo market today rebound but didn't reach the yesterday's highest value.Yen's depreciation is still supporting Tokyo market's momentum to upward.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 17915.63 H. 17960.22 L.. 17893.37 C. 17932.27 CHG. 82.99
TOPIX O. 1750.05 H. 1756.16 L.. 1745.76 C. 1751.12 CHG. 10.04 VOL. 161201
JASDAQ O. 81.54 H. 81.89 L.. 81.49 C. 81.89 CHG. 0.53 VOL. 32898

Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 17920 H. 17990 L.. 17920 C. 17970 CHG. 120 VOL. 75368
TOPIX Futures O. 1750.5 H. 1757.5 L.. 1746 C. 1757 CHG. 15 VOL. 38378

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