June 7, 2007

Big Rise before SQ(special quotation day)

Tokyo Market started at very low price reflecting US market's drop. And kept low level in the morning , but , in the afternoon market, Nikkei rose rapidly and back to 18,000 level and over yesterday's closing price. It may seemed upward attitude is still strong in Japan Market.

Stock Indexes
Nikkei225Average O. 17879.01 H. 18053.38 L.. 17866.52 C. 18053.38 CHG. 12.45
TOPIX O. 1763.36 H. 1780.66 L.. 1762.92 C. 1779.72 CHG. 1.22 VOL. 278711
JASDAQ O. 80.79 H. 81.15 L.. 80.61 C. 81.13 CHG. -0.08 VOL. 27778

Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 17860 H. 18080 L.. 17850 C. 18080 CHG. 40 VOL. 60152
TOPIX Futures O. 1764.5 H. 1781 L.. 1761.5 C. 1777 CHG. -1 VOL. 19247

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