July 25, 2007

Opened sharply lower

Today ,Tokyo market opened sharply lower because of US market fall.Through a day, there was momentum to recover but did not reach the lowest level of yesterday.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 17810.97 H. 17881.31 L.. 17733.96 C. 17858.42 CHG. -143.61
TOPIX O. 1747.64 H. 1756.65 L.. 1738.87 C. 1754.03 CHG. -11.96 VOL. 204700
JASDAQ O. 78.61 H. 78.87 L.. 78.44 C. 78.68 CHG. -0.2 VOL. 49371
Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 17770 H. 17900 L.. 17750 C. 17860 CHG. -160 VOL. 111986
TOPIX Futures O. 1746 H. 1756 L.. 1737.5 C. 1751 CHG. -17 VOL. 53303

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