July 31, 2007

No direction

Tokyo market started at the level which was almost same with yesterday's closing one.The market repeated up & down and closed at the opening level.There looks no momentum to upward nor downward.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 17318.01 H. 17318.01 L.. 17195.29 C. 17248.89 CHG. -40.41
TOPIX O. 1713.33 H. 1713.41 L.. 1699.33 C. 1706.18 CHG. 0.47 VOL. 213917
JASDAQ O. 77.25 H. 77.35 L.. 77.04 C. 77.12 CHG. 0.14 VOL. 26395

Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 17280 H. 17310 L.. 17200 C. 17280 CHG. -20 VOL. 103142
TOPIX Futures O. 1706.5 H. 1709.5 L.. 1696 C. 1706.5 CHG. 0 VOL. 46036

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