August 27, 2007

Ended slightly higher than last week's closing

Nikkei opened today at very high level because that US market rose very much last Friday.Once Nikkei touched and exceeded 16500 level but the intraday trend of today is always downward.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 16429.01 H. 16504.72 L.. 16263.95 C. 16301.39 CHG. 52.42
TOPIX O. 1602.38 H. 1610.28 L.. 1584.75 C. 1587.76 CHG. 1.91 VOL. 147122
JASDAQ O. 72.53 H. 73.3 L.. 72.53 C. 73 CHG. 0.78 VOL. 26496

Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 16500 H. 16520 L.. 16260 C. 16310 CHG. 70 VOL. 80145
TOPIX Futures O. 1611 H. 1612.5 L.. 1584.5 C. 1588 CHG. 1 VOL. 38775

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