August 31, 2007

Big rise to come back to 16500 over

Tokyo market made big rise today.Afternoon session opened with a gap to the range of morning session and made a rapid rise.Nikkei 225 Futures broke the merkmal point of 16500 and finally ended at 16600 which is highest level in this 2 weeks.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 16270.99 H. 16569.09 L.. 16266.23 C. 16569.09 CHG. 415.27
TOPIX O. 1575.94 H. 1608.25 L.. 1574.36 C. 1608.25 CHG. 40.02 VOL. 184006
JASDAQ O. 73.71 H. 74.3 L.. 73.45 C. 74.3 CHG. 0.5 VOL. 41565
Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 16320 H. 16600 L.. 16270 C. 16600 CHG. 400 VOL. 109632
TOPIX Futures O. 1579 H. 1615 L.. 1574.5 C. 1611.5 CHG. 39.5 VOL. 51553

August 30, 2007

Rise on US market rebound

Tokyo market today opened sharply higher reflecting US market rise.But intraday movement was mainly downward.At last stage of afternoon session, it kept going down but didn't touch the yesterday's highest level.Finally it rose back but ended lower than opening level.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 16182.09 H. 16269.66 L.. 16091.28 C. 16153.82 CHG. 140.99
TOPIX O. 1574.95 H. 1579.68 L.. 1560.93 C. 1568.23 CHG. 10.68 VOL. 152349
JASDAQ O. 73.94 H. 74.31 L.. 73.66 C. 73.8 CHG. 0.04 VOL. 40240

Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 16270 H. 16280 L.. 16090 C. 16200 CHG. 150 VOL. 104289
TOPIX Futures O. 1579 H. 1581 L.. 1560 C. 1572 CHG. 12 VOL. 40399

August 29, 2007

Nikkei 225Futures opened with 400 yen down

Just after opening, there looked to be upward rebound but the momentum was limitted.After the middle stage of afternoon session , there was a rapid rise and came back above 16000 level.But it didn't reach the yesterday's closing value.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 16068.1 H. 16068.1 L.. 15830.28 C. 16012.83 CHG. -274.66
TOPIX O. 1562.82 H. 1562.82 L.. 1537.04 C. 1557.55 CHG. -27.05 VOL. 169141
JASDAQ O. 72.96 H. 73.77 L.. 72.42 C. 73.76 CHG. 0.26 VOL. 44639
Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 15850 H. 16060 L.. 15830 C. 16050 CHG. -220 VOL. 115955
TOPIX Futures O. 1538.5 H. 1562.5 L.. 1533.5 C. 1560 CHG. -25 VOL. 46506

August 28, 2007

No direction market

Tokyo market opened at lower than yesterday's closing.It was going up in the morning session, but , in the afternoon, came back once to opening level.After middle stage of afternoon session, upward momentum made the market rise again.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 16214.09 H. 16343.28 L.. 16192.84 C. 16287.49 CHG. -13.9
TOPIX O. 1578.34 H. 1591.04 L.. 1576.58 C. 1584.6 CHG. -3.16 VOL. 133187
JASDAQ O. 72.83 H. 73.58 L.. 72.77 C. 73.5 CHG. 0.5 VOL. 22260

Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 16210 H. 16360 L.. 16190 C. 16270 CHG. -40 VOL. 87887
TOPIX Futures O. 1578 H. 1592 L.. 1576.5 C. 1585 CHG. -3 VOL. 32865

August 27, 2007

Ended slightly higher than last week's closing

Nikkei opened today at very high level because that US market rose very much last Friday.Once Nikkei touched and exceeded 16500 level but the intraday trend of today is always downward.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 16429.01 H. 16504.72 L.. 16263.95 C. 16301.39 CHG. 52.42
TOPIX O. 1602.38 H. 1610.28 L.. 1584.75 C. 1587.76 CHG. 1.91 VOL. 147122
JASDAQ O. 72.53 H. 73.3 L.. 72.53 C. 73 CHG. 0.78 VOL. 26496

Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 16500 H. 16520 L.. 16260 C. 16310 CHG. 70 VOL. 80145
TOPIX Futures O. 1611 H. 1612.5 L.. 1584.5 C. 1588 CHG. 1 VOL. 38775

August 24, 2007

Ended lower

Because of yesterday's big rise by 400yen over, many investors might have confirmed gains , which made the market drop.But depriciation of Yen supported Export related stocks to rise.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 16286.01 H. 16329.96 L.. 16188.08 C. 16248.97 CHG. -67.35
TOPIX O. 1587.81 H. 1591.33 L.. 1578.09 C. 1585.85 CHG. -5.96 VOL. 159204
JASDAQ O. 72.96 H. 72.97 L.. 72.2 C. 72.22 CHG. -0.69 VOL. 29654

Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 16300 H. 16330 L.. 16180 C. 16240 CHG. -120 VOL. 104106
TOPIX Futures O. 1590.5 H. 1591.5 L.. 1576.5 C. 1587 CHG. -9.5 VOL. 42215

August 23, 2007

Big rise

Tokyo market today opened sharply higher reflecting US market's big rise.After opening, it kept getting up and , at the last stage , had a rapid rise.Nikkei 225 Futures looked to reach 16400 but ended at 16360.Highest value of Nikkei 225 Futures was 16380.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 16093.82 H. 16333.36 L.. 16093.82 C. 16316.32 CHG. 415.68
TOPIX O. 1562.77 H. 1591.92 L.. 1562.77 C. 1591.81 CHG. 46.92 VOL. 180596
JASDAQ O. 71.58 H. 72.91 L.. 71.56 C. 72.91 CHG. 1.59 VOL. 37862

Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 16260 H. 16380 L.. 16220 C. 16360 CHG. 450 VOL. 130598
TOPIX Futures O. 1578 H. 1597.5 L.. 1575.5 C. 1596.5 CHG. 54.5 VOL. 53325

August 22, 2007

Ended a little bit higher

Tokyo market today was rather calm day.There were several waves of up & down, but they didn't become big waves.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 15866.6 H. 15957.96 L.. 15787.96 C. 15900.64 CHG. -0.7
TOPIX O. 1547.9 H. 1550.79 L.. 1536.16 C. 1544.89 CHG. -4.99 VOL. 166102
JASDAQ O. 70.53 H. 71.8 L.. 70.51 C. 71.32 CHG. 0.66 VOL. 26467

Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 15870 H. 15960 L.. 15780 C. 15910 CHG. 40 VOL. 126193
TOPIX Futures O. 1546.5 H. 1550.5 L.. 1533 C. 1542 CHG. -7 VOL. 49051

August 21, 2007

Nikkei reached back to 16,000 level but down again.

In the morning, Nikkei started below 16,000. But ,in the afternoon, the upward momentum of Nikkei 225 Futures continued and marked 16110.After that it lost rapidly the momentum and dropped. Finally it came back below 16000 and ended at 15870.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 15773.86 H. 16101.64 L.. 15754.51 C. 15901.34 CHG. 168.86
TOPIX O. 1532.6 H. 1565.43 L.. 1531.54 C. 1549.88 CHG. 26.31 VOL. 203526
JASDAQ O. 70.49 H. 70.78 L.. 70.33 C. 70.66 CHG. 0.16 VOL. 27324

Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 15770 H. 16110 L.. 15740 C. 15870 CHG. 140 VOL. 183247
TOPIX Futures O. 1530 H. 1564.5 L.. 1528 C. 1549 CHG. 24.5 VOL. 68304

August 20, 2007

Nikkei 225 Futures opened about +500 higher than closing of last Friday.

On the contrary of big drop last Friday, Tokyo market opened very higher because of big rise in US market.But there once was a rapid upward momentum but the energy was not enough to break the Friday's range.Compared with US market's big rise, it looks that upward momentum in Tokyo market is limitted.Nikkei 225 Futures ended lower than opening.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 15477.26 H. 15940.61 L.. 15477.26 C. 15732.48 CHG. 458.8
TOPIX O. 1500.7 H. 1544.35 L.. 1500.7 C. 1523.57 CHG. 43.18 VOL. 224496
JASDAQ O. 70.39 H. 71.09 L.. 70.39 C. 70.5 CHG. 0.48 VOL. 26155

Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 15790 H. 15960 L.. 15710 C. 15730 CHG. 430 VOL. 185185
TOPIX Futures O. 1529 H. 1542.5 L.. 1517.5 C. 1524.5 CHG. 48.5 VOL. 78466

August 16, 2007

Nikkei renewed the lowest record of this year

Tokyo market today opened sharply lower reflecting US market's fall.And it got down sharply to dipped below 16000.Nikkei 225 Futures made a lowest new record of 15860 in the afternoon.Total volume of Nikkei225 Futures is 260,000 over which is double of yesterday's.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 16296.4 H. 16296.4 L.. 15859.46 C. 16148.49 CHG. -327.12
TOPIX O. 1576.05 H. 1576.05 L.. 1529.98 C. 1567.46 CHG. -26.69 VOL. 267680
JASDAQ O. 73.15 H. 73.15 L.. 71.44 C. 72.36 CHG. -1.16 VOL. 31741
Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 16240 H. 16240 L.. 15860 C. 16050 CHG. -350 VOL. 263675
TOPIX Futures O. 1565 H. 1571 L.. 1528.5 C. 1552 CHG. -37 VOL. 97805

August 14, 2007

Calm day

Tokyo market today was very calm.We can find some up & down intraday but range was rather narrow.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 16791.8 H. 16948.4 L.. 16725.55 C. 16800.05 CHG. 35.96
TOPIX O. 1636.14 H. 1649.42 L.. 1628.95 C. 1632.64 CHG. -1.29 VOL. 247432
JASDAQ O. 75.37 H. 75.59 L.. 74.65 C. 74.8 CHG. -0.64 VOL. 26300

Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 16830 H. 16960 L.. 16730 C. 16780 CHG. 30 VOL. 133073
TOPIX Futures O. 1638.5 H. 1650 L.. 1628 C. 1628.5 CHG. -7 VOL. 51554

August 13, 2007

Nikkei End Up

In the morning market, Tokyo market moved up & down very widely. In the afternoo, the movement looked to have become calm but got down gradually.Although Japan is in Summer Vacation week now, but volume of Nikkei Futures is above 130,000 over.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 16791.8 H. 16948.4 L.. 16725.55 C. 16800.05 CHG. 35.96
TOPIX O. 1636.14 H. 1649.42 L.. 1628.95 C. 1632.64 CHG. -1.29 VOL. 247432
JASDAQ O. 75.37 H. 75.59 L.. 74.65 C. 74.8 CHG. -0.64 VOL. 26300

Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 16830 H. 16960 L.. 16730 C. 16780 CHG. 30 VOL. 133073
TOPIX Futures O. 1638.5 H. 1650 L.. 1628 C. 1628.5 CHG. -7 VOL. 51554

August 10, 2007

Nikkei Down Over 400 yen

Tokyo market opened sharply lower reflecting US market's big fall caused by subprime concerns.Nikkei 225 Futures touched the recent lowest value 16650 but did not break this line.Nikkei repeated big up and down but the energy was not enough to reach the yesterday's range.Finally, Nikkei 225 Futures ended at 16750 which is lower by -50 yen from opening value.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 16923.21 H. 16948.96 L.. 16651.71 C. 16764.09 CHG. -406.51
TOPIX O. 1662.13 H. 1664.55 L.. 1625.61 C. 1633.93 CHG. -49.88 VOL. 335413
JASDAQ O. 75.59 H. 75.59 L.. 74.97 C. 75.44 CHG. -0.56 VOL. 30552

Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 16800 H. 16850 L.. 16650 C. 16750 CHG. -470 VOL. 169205
TOPIX Futures O. 1648.5 H. 1648.5 L.. 1625.5 C. 1635.5 CHG. -49 VOL. 67309

August 7, 2007

Opened sharply higher but dropped

Tokyo market opened higher on rebound in US market.But Nikkei dropped and broke 17,000 line again.In the afternoon, it tried to come back to 17,000 level but was not able to keep the momentum to upward and ended at 16921.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 17009.63 H. 17049.45 L.. 16863.46 C. 16921.77 CHG. 7.31
TOPIX O. 1677.78 H. 1679.2 L.. 1656.02 C. 1660.16 CHG. -7.88 VOL. 203646
JASDAQ O. 76.43 H. 76.59 L.. 75.84 C. 75.84 CHG. -0.31 VOL. 31773
Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 17050 H. 17060 L.. 16870 C. 16940 CHG. 80 VOL. 130328
TOPIX Futures O. 1678 H. 1679.5 L.. 1655.5 C. 1659.5 CHG. -4 VOL. 49603

August 6, 2007

Opened very low level

Tokyo market opened very low level because of US market's big fall last weekend.But Nikkei didn't break the lowest level of last week and rose 200 yen over from opening.Although the market ended higher than opening , it looks the upward momentum became weak at closing time.

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 16781.14 H. 16951.98 L.. 16675.39 C. 16914.46 CHG. -65.4
TOPIX O. 1654.67 H. 1670.53 L.. 1642.57 C. 1668.04 CHG. -4.5 VOL. 199292
JASDAQ O. 76.08 H. 76.15 L.. 75.67 C. 76.15 CHG. -0.33 VOL. 31263

Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 16700 H. 16960 L.. 16660 C. 16860 CHG. -150 VOL. 133208
TOPIX Futures O. 1647 H. 1670 L.. 1641.5 C. 1663.5 CHG. -10.5 VOL. 60837

August 3, 2007

Nikkei opened at over 17,000

Tokyo market opened slightly higher instead of big rise in US market.Just after opening Nikkei rose but soon started to get down.In the afternoon , Nikkei once broke the lowest line of the morning hours, but finally returned to opening level and ended at over 17,000 level

Stock Indices
Nikkei225Average O. 17019.8 H. 17102.07 L.. 16913.27 C. 16979.86 CHG. -4.25
TOPIX O. 1676.73 H. 1682.47 L.. 1665 C. 1672.54 CHG. 3.21 VOL. 210480
JASDAQ O. 76.32 H. 76.76 L.. 76.27 C. 76.48 CHG. 0.46 VOL. 32580

Stock Index Futures
Nikkei225Futures O. 17030 H. 17110 L.. 16910 C. 17010 CHG. 30 VOL. 138673
TOPIX Futures O. 1673 H. 1679.5 L.. 1662 C. 1674 CHG. 7.5 VOL. 52502